Entry # 1 - A Controversial Hobby


Let me ask you this, how would you feel if you were instantly judged for your hobby? Would you feel ashamed? Sad? Or even maybe even a little upset because people were so quick to judge? I can tell you all of those are true. 

My name is GraceLyn and I am a competitive shooter and advocate for firearm education in 2023. 


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USPSA is an organization that allows competitors to come together and compete in the shooting world. Testing agility, speed, and accuracy, competitive shooting is just like any other sport. Different stages are set up taking you through real-life scenarios with cardboard or wood walls that sometimes require you to do vigorous activities that range from running and jumping or hanging from a wall with one hand reaching around to acquire the target, similar to those video games keeping you up late at night. There can be teams or even solo missions where you have to complete hours of practice to build the skill while working with others and building bonds and friendships with fellow competitors. Regulations are set in place to protect and ensure the safety of all individuals and participants. 

The feeling of accomplishment when you beat a stage or finally cut down that half a second on your round does so much for the mind. You feel free and can let go of all stressors of everything that life brings you and can connect with like-minded people. The seconds leading up to that buzzer going off are the most peaceful to me because I can focus on my breathing, me, and the stage. 


Image Credit: Logan Saunders

I know some think that gun violence is rising in numbers and honestly, I agree. But the education about firearms has rapidly decreased over the years and the fight against the 2nd Amendment and how to solve this problem have become misunderstood. Many want to fix this problem by getting rid of and placing bans on all firearms; this sounds like a good idea, until looking at the technicality of it all.

At the end of the day, bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to retrieve firearms even when there is a ban, as it is the same concept as the Prohibition Era (a ban on alcohol that leads to smuggling and even more illegal business). Putting a ban on firearms will just increase death rates because firearms can protect people and without that 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, The People have no way to protect themselves against criminals. The US Department of Justice provides information claiming that firearm usage is effective in self-defense and the protection of loved ones. The University of Maryland helps support the idea of firearm education by stating that "firearm safety training can significantly reduce gun violence." If we were to educate and implement more safety training, I firmly believe people would be less afraid. 

The education of firearms and the safety of others is always a top priority to me, so that is why I think this is important. If education was easily accessible, fewer people would be on edge about this topic. People will better understand how they work and how to handle them, store them, and most importantly, how to prevent ancient and injury. Therefore allowing people like me, to enjoy this hobby without any issues.


  1. Thank you so much for writing about a hobby that you feel so passionately about. It was very inspiring to me to read about how you continue to persevere and participate in your hobby even though people may become a little judgmental about it. I also found your comments about firearm safety and the 2nd Amendment fascinating. Our current situation with gun related deaths is horrible, but I do agree with you. Even if firearms were banned, people who would go as far as to kill someone else will not be stopped by a simple law. I feel as though we need to come up with a solution to this current dilemma, but banning firearms isn't the one. I would like to urge you to consider using this topic as your topic for essays two or three! You are clearly passionate about the subject, and I think that it would make for a very interesting topic.

  2. Hey, GraceLyn you make a lot of great points throughout your blog. I especially agree with having more education on firearms. I grew up around firearms so they don't concern me as much as they do people that have not been educated on safety and respect of fire arms. Perhaps if gun education was more accessible like you said they would be less uneasy.

  3. Hi GraceLyn! I found your blog post very interesting and informational. First off, that's cool that you are passionate about shooting. Most of what we see in the media is pro-banning guns, but I think it is important to hear the other side of why banning firearms isn't the solution to gun violence. I also agree that there is not enough education on guns and we need more people like you to teach the importance of gun education.


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