Entry #2 - Evolution or Religion?

It is a warm Sunday morning with the sunshine beating down on your skin as you walk out of the vestibule doors.  You just spent the last hour and a half listening to the pastor preach his sermon about evolution. Adam had been brought to life from the soil, soon following the creation of Eve created out of Adam's rib. Monday morning rolls around and you are sitting in your third-hour science class where the familiar term 'evolution' rolls off the lips of the teacher, but this time, the definition is a little different. 

Darwin theorized that species change over time, making new species biologically stronger than the last. What Darwin didn't know was that his idea would lead to The Theory of Evolution. His ideas consisted of natural selection, meaning the weak die and the strong survive leaving nothing but genetics to improve its own species. Science claims that humans did not evolve from monkeys themselves, rather we evolved from a further ancestor as humans share common genetics with today's modern African Ape. Although evidence suggests we didn't morph from apes into humans, plenty of evidence implies we had evolved from a relative animal such as a chimpanzee or bonobos eight million years ago. 

But what about Adam and Eve? Why do people believe in evolution over religion? The evidence to support religion is much slimmer than evidence proving our genetic connection to animals. Scientism is the ideas or expressions that overthrow the idea of God; people want to see actual proof in order to believe these ideas. In religion, faith is one of the most important things to have and that is where many people struggle because having faith is hard without any direct proof causing people to trust more in the side with actual evidence. 

However you choose to like your life, there's evidence to back up all ideas. If you choose to walk by faith or if you choose to base everything on cold hard evidence there is no right or wrong answer. Scientists are far from confirming the truth, so believe what you want to believe.  


  1. Hello Grace, what stood out to me about this entry was the vivid descriptions setting the scene in the first paragraph. Great job on this entry it was an interesting topic as well.
    Emily Odogui-Cruz


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